ڊگهي لائين اليڪٽرانڪ
ڪمپني محدود



  • Opportunities for Magnetic Components Industry in Emerging Fields

    1) The goal of carbon neutrality drives the long-term development of the industry As the core devices in the fields of new energy vehicles, charging piles and photovoltaic energy storage, magnetic components are closely related to the development of new energy industry. Guided by the strategic go...
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  • Canton Fair in Guangzhou,China. Booth Number: 20. 1B38     Date: 15th-19th October, 2023 

          Canton Fair in Guangzhou,China. Booth Number: 20. 1B38     Date: 15th-19th October, 2023  Warmly welcome you come to visit our booth at Canton Fair in Guangzhou,China. Booth Number: 20. 1B38     Date: 15th-19th October, 2023      Add: No. 382, Yuejiang Zhong Road   Long...
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  • Development history and current situation of amorphous nanocrystalline industry market in 2021

    According to the “China Amorphous Nanocrystalline Market Forecast and Investment Strategy Report (2021 Edition)” released by Limu Information Consulting, amorphous alloy materials came into being in 1934, and the global research on amorphous alloy has made very significant progress in...
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  • September 11, 2020 “the 15th (Suzhou) China Magnetic Component Intelligent Production and High-performance Materials Application Technology Summit”

    September 11, 2020 “the 15th (Suzhou) China Magnetic Component Intelligent Production and High-performance Materials Application Technology Summit”

        In the exhibition, we learned the development trend of the industry, from products to technology, China has made great progress in magnetic materials. Research and development of new materials, as well as the advantages of intelligent equipment. I...
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  • Magnetic material classification and its industrial chain status

    Magnetic materials can be divided into metallic magnetic materials and non-metallic magnetic materials according to their materials. The former, due to its high price and narrow application range, is mainly concentrated in military industry and high-end electronic products. For example, neodymium...
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  • Amorphous Metal Ribbons Market Outlook by Responsible Drivers, Restraints, Demand & Forecasts by 2024

    Amorphous Metal Ribbons Market report aims to analyze market opportunities and risks in global Amorphous Metal Ribbons industry. This report offers a detailed view of market opportunity by end user segments, product segments, sales channels, key countries, and import / export dynamics. It details...
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  • nanocrystalline بنيادي جي درخواست

            Nanocrystalline، به نانو-amorphous طور سڃاتو، مقناطيسي مواد جي هڪ نئين قسم جي آهي. Nanocrystalline cores سندن اعلي مقناطيسي permeability، اعلي squareness نظر، گهٽ بنيادي نقصان ۽ تيز گرمي پد استحڪام لاء ماڻهن جي احسان آهن. هن Nanocrystalline بنيادي اعلي saturation ما ڇڏيو آهي ...
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  • amorphous مواد جو تعارف

    Amorphous گانو metals ۽ گانو سندن پرمان انتظام ۾ ڪو به ايتري حد تائين جو حڪم ڪيو آهي ته آهن. جڏهن ته amorphous مصر جو اصل باقاعده ٿانون جي جوڙجڪ ڦيرائيندو آھي ۽ دؤران cooli ۾ هڪ ڊگهي مدت disordered جوڙجڪ ڪارڻ روايتي ڌاتو يا مصر، باقاعده ٿانون جي جوڙجڪ ڪئي آهي ...
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  • ڪسٽمر جي زيارت

    اسان کي ڏاڍي خوشي ٿي آهي ته غير ملڪي گراهڪن 2018.They ۾ اسان جي ڪوٺي جو دورو ڪرڻ لاء ايندا آهن بلڪل اسان جي پروڊڪٽس ۽ پيداوار جي عمل ۾ دلچسپي آهي. اسان سان گڏو گڏ automation سامان جي اسان جي پيداوار جي پيداوار ورڪشاپ کي گراهڪن وٺي، ان جي پيداوار ماحول کي سمجهڻ لاء. مون کان وڌيڪ اميد ۽ ...
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