

news Industry

  • Opportunities for Magnetic Components Industry in Emerging Fields

    1) The goal of carbon neutrality drives the long-term development of the industry As the core devices in the fields of new energy vehicles, charging piles and photovoltaic energy storage, magnetic components are closely related to the development of new energy industry. Guided by the strategic go...
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  • Development history and current situation of amorphous nanocrystalline industry market in 2021

    According to the “China Amorphous Nanocrystalline Market Forecast and Investment Strategy Report (2021 Edition)” released by Limu Information Consulting, amorphous alloy materials came into being in 1934, and the global research on amorphous alloy has made very significant progress in...
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  • Magnetic material classification and its industrial chain status

    Magnetic materials can be divided into metallic magnetic materials and non-metallic magnetic materials according to their materials. The former, due to its high price and narrow application range, is mainly concentrated in military industry and high-end electronic products. For example, neodymium...
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  • Sepanê ji core nanocrystalline

            Nanocrystalline, ku bi navê nano-şikil tê zanîn, a type nû yên maddî magnetic e. cores Nanocrystalline bi destê gelê ku ji bo permeability magnetic bilind xwe, ratio squareness bilind, windabûna core kêm û aramî di tîna bilind de, îmtiyazê. The core Nanocrystalline heye ma saturation bilind ...
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  • Agahdarî ji materyalên şikil

    Qinyatê şikil û metalên û Qinyatê, ku tu fermana dirêj-range li amadekarîyên atomî wan in. The metal kevneşop an alloy heye avahiya krîstal bi rêkûpêk, di dema ku alloy şikil tevna cama rêk original dişikêne û struktura kavil demeke dirêj di cooli bi lez presents ...
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